Thursday, December 04, 2014


5th cousin, once removed

Friday, November 07, 2014

Fruits To Try When Visiting Indonesia





•Jambu Air•







Tuesday, October 28, 2014

7 Partuturan Dalam Satu Garis Keturunan Batak

1► Ompu: Nenek moyang yaitu semua genarasi mulai dari tiga generasi diatas kita. (great grandfather)
2► Ompung: Kakek, yaitu orang yang dua generasi diatas kita (grandfather)
3► Amang: Ayah, yaitu yang satu generasi diatas kita (father)
4► Haha Anggi: Abang Adik yaitu orang yang segenerasi dengan kita (brothers)
5► Anak: Anak yaitu orang yang saatu generasi di bawah kita (children)
6► Pahompu: Cucu, yaitu orang yang dua generasi di bawah kita. (grandchildrens)
7► Nini: Cicit yaitu orang yang mulai tiga generasi di bawah kita. (great grandchildrens)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


The 10 Most Unbelievable Excuses People Gave When Calling In Sick BY ERIK SHERMAN
1. Oh, sorry, I just put a casserole in the oven.
2. I got some plastic surgery enhancement done, but it needs a little tweaking to get right.
3. I sat in the bathroom too long and my legs and feet fell asleep, so when I finally stood up, I fell over and broke my ankle.
4. It was a big casino weekend for me, so imagine my surprise that I still had some money left to play with on Monday morning.
5. I woke up in such a good mood that I didn't want to ruin it.
6. Sorry, I got lucky last night, but I woke up and have no idea where I am.
7. I was taking my blood pressure with the machine at the grocery store and got stuck and couldn't get out.
8. I've got a gall stone and am trying to heal it holistically.
9. My uniform was still wet, so I put it in the microwave to dry and it caught on fire.
10. Really sorry, but I accidentally got on a plane and I'm not in town.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Want to remove the watermark from Windows 10 Technical Preview?

The easiest way to do this is to turn off Windows Background.

go to PC Settings -- Ease of Access -- Other Options and turn off Show Windows Background.

that's it! simple and no need to tweak system files or install software.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

can do's

5 Habits to Take Advantage of the 'Highly Improbable- By Clément Delangue

Some people think they can, and should, plan their life. But let’s face it, luck has a lot to do with most of the people we meet, most of the goals we achieve and most of the life that we live. Nassim Nicholas Taleb goes even further by stating that the “highly Improbable,” so-called “Black Swan events,” run most of our world. Here are five daily habits you can incorporate into your life to encounter more of these events:

1. Walk the crowded streets. Most of the highly improbable events of your life happen because of people. You never know where you’ll stumble upon the person of your dreams, your next mentor or a future employer or employee. So avoid the empty street that will make you miss a potential opportunity.

2. Spend an hour every day to try things that "can’t" work. Nobody knows what can or cannot work. Even worse, because most people think that something won’t work, they don’t try it. Take time for the things that “can’t work just because.” Prove “because” wrong. This is how startups -- the places where “this is a very, very bad idea,” can lead to true innovation -- become the greatest companies in the world. Related: Habits of the World's Wealthiest People (Infographic) Freeing yourself from the constraint of making it work will not only allow you to relax and to become more creative in your thinking, but may also end up being your greatest success.

3. Change your routine every day. Doing things differently will allow you to challenge your own status quo to get a new perspective on your daily life. It will prevent you from merely guessing what changes can be made by forcing you to actually experiment, leading to unexpected discoveries.

4. Share things on social networks with no particular goal. With social networks, you can now share what’s important to you in an instant. So let people know what you’re doing and what you’re thinking, because who knows what can happen? The cost of sharing -- reducing your privacy or going out on a limb with a new idea -- are far outweighed by the potential creation of opportunities.

5. Act improbably once a day. Today, I should have worked, I should have partied, I should have had dinner. I wrote this article instead. I hope it can be useful. But it was highly improbable that any major publication would ever publish it … right?

Friday, February 07, 2014

tarombo simanjuntak sian Simpang Raja

|raja batak|

|guru tatea bulan| |raja isumbaon|

|tuan sorimangaraja| |raja asi asi| |sankar somalindang|

|op raja nabolon| |raja namangarerak| |tua n sorbadibanua|

|sibogat ni pohan| |si paet tua| |silahis sabungan| |raja oloan| |raja huta lima| |raja sumbah| |raja sobu| |raja naipospos|

|tuan sihubil| |tuan somanimbil| |tuan dibagarna| |raja sonak malela|

|raja siahaan| |raja marsundung simanjuntak| |tuan maruji hutagaol|

|pasuratan| |mardaup| |raja sitombuk| |raja huta bulu|

|raja odong| |tumonggo tua|

|bursok ronggur| |bursok datu| |bursok pati|

|datu malela| |langgak ulu barang| |oppu hasiholan| |ampa moto|

|mandurahim| |bolak hambing| |tuan martahi| |guru humuntal|

|ompu radja huala| |ompu natumikka| |ompu tuan|

|ompu sori morba| |ompu tarlondur| |ompu tuan purba|

|ompu bonaiari| |ompu tuan natagor| |ompu tuan djodjor|

|ompu radjadiam| |ompu marhuarar|

|ama radjadiam| |radja bonauluam| |ompu paruma| |ompu baragugun| |ompu taronggal| |ompu tapioloan|

|ompu binahar| |ompu toga| |ompu marhaut| |ompu tinggi| |ompu manongkar| |ompo lumbuk| |ompu humbil|

|willem -partarombo| |madason| |luther|

|samuel| |rellus|

|lintong| |marlian| |romsen| |paladen|


|david| |daniel|